When we travel it is important to be able to move freely without our baggage and luggage weighing us down. If you think it isn’t necessary to travel light, think again!
You’ll surely get excited when you are about to leave for a trip. So, you’ll prepare all the stuff you want to bring and end up with three or more bags.
Well, do you think it would be easy to bring all your stuff to the airport or to the hotel? Just imagine the hassle it could give you.
What you should do is eliminate stuff and lessen your luggage. One carry-on and one luggage are enough.
When you eliminate items and just focus on your basic travel packing list then you are more or less going to travel light.
Not everyone could master the art of traveling light but everyone should try to do it. It can give you numerous advantages which can even contribute to having a fun-filled trip.
So, if you wonder why there is a need to pack light. Or if you still insist on carrying all the stuff you want to bring, check on the points below.
It might change your mind and you might consider traveling light at the end of this article. Read on and learn the reasons why you should be packing light on your travels.
Table of Contents
Travel light means to travel with ease.
The one big reason why you should be traveling light is this. It would be a lot easier to travel with a few things to carry.
So, no matter how far you will be going, you will have easier mobility with a lighter bag.
You can have more fun while on travel. And miss the stressful and hassle part of minding your luggage.
Preparing for your trip is easier.
Packing is one thing that bothers most travelers. Simply because there would be a need to fit in all the things they want to bring for just a single bag.
Well, just imagine how tiring it would be to pack so many bags! Hence, pack light while choosing only those that you really need for your travel.
This will make it a lot easier for you to prepare your stuff. You can start by listing the things you need. Then you can do elimination on some of the stuff while you do the packing.
I usually do this when we are going backpacking or on a road trip.
All of my clothes and accessories that I want to bring are spread out on the bed. And while fitting all of them inside one backpack, I take out those that I feel I don’t need.
Your things are easier to secure.
It would be a headache if you need to look into so many bags just to make sure that you won’t lose one. Your thoughts will be focused only on one or maybe two bags if you pack light.
You won’t need to worry a lot about how to look into your stuff. Especially if you are traveling alone or you are traveling with kids.
Your sense of security is greatly enhanced.
You are able to save money.
Yes, you will be able to save a lot if you don’t have too much stuff with you. You won’t need to pay excess for transportation because you occupy more.
Another is that you don’t have to hire a taxi because you won’t be lugging heavy stuff with you. You can easily get on the local transportation like on a bus or tuk-tuks, or jeepneys or the train.
Also, you will be saved from paying for checked-in baggage. Especially for extra charges if the weight of your bags exceeds the limit.
Instead of spending money on your luggage, you can spend it on other activities during the trip.
You have more flexibility.
Walking past a crowd of people will be easier with one or two bags with you. You will also find it easier to walk on airports or seaports while you locate your seat.
I find this very convenient especially when we travel on peak season. There’ll be more people on the terminal or port. And it’s always a hassle when you have too many bags with you and you need to find a seat.
Another thing, you can just place your luggage under the seat or on the overhead bin without hassle. You won’t need to call for help from a steward in order to position your pieces of stuff well.
Your things are easier to carry.
Well, obviously, it is easier to carry light bags than heavy ones.
Choose bags that are lightweight. There are bags that are already heavy even if they are still empty.
Using light bags and placing enough stuff inside it will be easier for you while on the road. You will feel at ease if you could carry your stuff well and comfortably.
You are free from muscle pain.
Health wise, travelling light is good. You know why?
Because if you carry so many luggage or you have a very heavy bag, you will have muscle pains and back pains.
Who wants to feel tired, exhausted and in pain while on a trip? No one.
So, save yourself from pain by bringing easy to carry bags.
You can walk around with it.
We have tackled on security already. You want to make sure that your belongings are safe. You don’t want to leave it just anywhere.
Hence, it is always safer to just carry your bags around with you when you go somewhere.
Imagine dragging so many bags with you. That would definitely be hard. Lighter bags could be carried with you when you walk around.
It is more practical.
Of course, it is practical.
Just imagine that you would carry your bag from your home to the airport. Then from the airport to your hotel.
When you get to the hotel, you would need to bring that to your room.
Wouldn’t it be better if you have light luggage so it would be easier to bring them from one place to another?
Courtesy to other travelers.
You are not the only one travelling. If you have so many luggage with you, you might block ways. And you can even cause delays that would annoy other passengers who are in a hurry to get to their flights.
Aside from that, you might use the entire overhead bin and leave no space for other passengers. You want to have a good time while on travel, so are other passengers.
So, don’t do anything that would annoy them and would ruin their enjoyable trip.
So, have you decided to pack light now? Well, you should.
You don’t want to feel stressed just because of the number of bags you carry. Or due to the heavy load, you bring with you while on the trip.
The points we have stated above will surely encourage you to learn the art of traveling light because traveling with heavy stuff is no joke and no fun at all!
So, the next time you’ll board the plane, make sure you’ll pack light.
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very true! travel light = hassle-free
Great read, you are spot on! I prefer to bring less as it is less heavy!
Thank you! I also always prefer to travel light! 🙂
When I switched from being a bulk traveler to a light one it changed so much. There are some trips now I am happy to travel with just my hand luggage and a backpack. You are completely correct. It makes ones life so so so much easier!
Great to hear that! I have always been a light packer when I’m on trips. One bag is usually enough for me. 🙂
My head knows all this, but my body doesn’t listen when the bags are being packed 🙂
LOL. I guess we all need a little more cooperation, then.. hahaha
Yes, yes , yes and yes. Love the article. I am light packer as well 🙂 Like one laptop backpack + my tiny day pack. That’s it!
Woah!Admittedly, I am still working on the tiny day pack, too. LOL. My husband hates it when I bring too much ‘girl things’ when we travel. haha!
I used to travel without the day pack but now I just pay priority boarding on Wizz to have it (it’s literally tiny) and on Ryanair it’s included.
Thankfully I am not a girly girl but we both travel with our cameras haha
I love the idea of packing light! Actually doing it on the other hand… 🙂
Did you hear the story about the couple that went on a three week Euro-trip with basically just their travel necessities, toothbrushes, and a spare pair of underwear? That’s goals.
Absolutely! I applaud them for doing just that. I don’t know if I can do it, too! 😀
Travel Light is the best thing you can do for yourself while traveling.
Traveling light is something I’m always trying to work on, LOL! I’m a pretty bad over-packer, although I have gotten better recently. These are great reasons why you should travel with as little as possible! 🙂
Great to hear that, Rhiannon! 😀
Never really thought about how this would help other travelers in the airport. Good point! Now that I think about it I have definitely tripped over other people’s luggage in airports. I overpacked once for a trip to Thailand and it was awful so now I always pack light.
Mmm.. I may have also disturbed others with my luggage needing more space when I travel! 😀
Ha Ha, My husband and I have perfected the art to go away for a night and pack for a week.I know it is horrible. But now with two kids we are getting better at packing light
Wow! I need to learn that soon, too. I’m sure it’s a pretty nice trick to pack lighter when you have kids 🙂
I always seem to pack more than I need! Especially when I travel in warm places where you really don’t need much. It’s quite a tough balance when you’re trying to do warm & cold climates, plus a multitude of activities (hiking, biking, surfing!) @backpackingkiwis
It is indeed a challenge if you’re traveling to somewhere colder since you need more bulkier clothes! 🙂
Travelling light is indeed the ideal. However, it depends on the length of the vacation and the availability (and budget) for laundry during the trip. I am ok with short trips less than a week, but trips more than two weeks are a challenge to pack for.
As an expat we’ve done some travelling and I couldn’t agree more, travelling light is a wise thing to do. It gives you so mych freedom, in terms of budget, physical stress, and mental stress.
We do a lot of camping and it is difficult to pack light, but we try to 😃
I can totally relate. haha. Our gear alone is bulky enough. LOL 😀
Great reasons to travel light. There’s always a good reason to buy something on your travels too.
Would love to use travel light. Thanks for letting me know about it
You’re welcome! 🙂
Traveling light is a must for me because really there’s no need to carry so many accessories and heavy clothes especially when you’re going to a place that’s summery. No heavy baggage, no muscle pain, no strain in the neck = happiness.
Hahaha! I couldn’t agree more. You’ll be able to enjoy your vacation 🙂
Travelling light is definitely a skill! I used to stress and pack everything I thought I “may need”. I am now getting better at leaving things behind and just bring a carry-on (plus it is cheaper!)
Wow! Good for you, Tara! 😉
I’m a big fan of traveling light when I can! I try to do backpacks/carry ons for my long weekend trips, since I save so much time by not waiting for the baggage carousel and checking bags.
Nice post!
Thank you 🙂
SO true! That’s how I like to travel! I hate dragging a big luggage up and down stairs and cobble stone streets!
So true! I never understand why people carry to much stuff with them. It’s just annoying for yourself and others! Great post!!
Thank you!
I completely agree with all of your points! I’ve always done my best to travel light and never regretted it one bit.
Great points. We try to travel as light as we can and then we pack our camera gear haha!
LOL! Our camera and gadgets really do take some space too! hahaha… 😀
This is practically true when a person is joining a tour, attending a conference abroad or religious gathering. It’s not a time to moving or transferring a residence or forced eviction from your present abode.
I always travel light. Every time I go on holiday, I want to take ootd pictures but I quickly give up on all the things I’d need to take. I agree with the all your reasons. No need for many things especially when you already know you will wear only 1/4 of what you brought ahah
Totally agree that traveling light is the way to go – although I always struggle with trying to narrow down what to bring!
Great tips! When I’m backpacking I just carry my hand luggage and its so easy!
you totally hit the spot and these points.. really would love to travel soon and i would definitely keep in mind your thoughts here.. 🙂
I don`t travel a lot. However, I tend to go out a lot to run errands. I used to always carry heavy bags thinking I might need some of the things I had. However, I found that carrying a small purse helped me to get around much easier and faster. It`s probably the same with travelling locally and abroad.
❀ Grace ❀
Oddly enough, I used to do that too.. I carry too much stuff me, ‘just in case’.. Then I realized it was not a good habit. LOL. Now, I’m learning! And yes it is.. 🙂