So….. let me be a little ‘cheesy’ and talk about finding THE ONE… But not in the conventional way that we are used to..
I have read a lot of articles on how important it is to travel with your significant other… And I really couldn’t agree more on the points given. However, as I’m sitting here thinking of how important it is, I realized that traveling had also influenced a lot on my decision to marry.
Traveling had, in so many ways, changed not just me but also on how our relationship as a couple developed.
I have traveled with my then-boyfriend and now-husband years before we finally tied the knot. Or rather, before he asked me to marry him.
It was at that point that I realized that, yes he is THE ONE, and that yes, I COULD LIVE WITH THIS GUY until the end..
We have been together for almost a decade now and ironically, if it hadn’t been for traveling, I really wouldn’t have known him better than I used to then.
I vaguely remember taking my first trip with him around 2012. It was around that time that I started blogging but never took it seriously like I am today. Our first trip was very memorable as it was a rocky moment in our relationship. Nevertheless, it paved the way for many more trips together as a couple and with family and friends.
Throughout the years we have created a lot of fantastic memories together. Including those many ‘firsts’. Like the time we climbed Mt. Pulag, went on our first international trip together, visited Boracay, explored Palawan.. I could go on and on and maybe bore you all. LOL.
So, to stop my rambling, here’s my list of How Traveling Can Tell You If He’s/ She’s the One that I hope could (if not educate) entertain you!
PS: I know I’m not an expert (in fact I’m far from it. I’m an IE! LOL).. This is purely based on personal experience… So enjoy!
Table of Contents
You Get To Know Each Other
What better way to know him/ her than with traveling? Being with him/ her all throughout the day can definitely give you an idea how it is when you live with them. Questions like ‘can I spend a day with this person?’ and ‘can I be myself with him/her?’ can be answered when you spend hours with him/her on your travels.
If the answer is yes, then I think you’re good!
Admittedly, traveling together has been our way of getting to know each other more. We’ve been together for 4 years before we started traveling together.. And it was pretty surprising that there was a lot in him that I didn’t know then.
Traveling is basically a more fun ‘practice’ in preparation to getting married! LOL.
You See The Good And The Bad
Well, as mentioned above, once you get to know him, you see the good and the bad. When you’re traveling together, it’s not always good days. There’ll be bad days.
You’ll get lost (maybe his or your fault). You’ll probably blame each other. Or maybe you’ll be trapped. Anything can happen!
To be honest, traveling can bring out the best and the worst in you.. You’ll be in so many unexpected moments (itineraries will not go as planned) and you’ll have moments when temper runs high.
And when this happens, you will see surely see each other on different stress levels! And we all know that stress does have an impact on how we behave. May it be negatively or positively…
You See How They Can Take Care Of You
What I enjoy most about traveling with my then-boyfriend was that I saw how he can take care of me.. It doesn’t mean taking care in the sense of total dependence.. Just enough that he makes sure I eat right when we’re on the road and that I am safe…
It’s lovely just to be able to see him do the most simple things to ensure that I am doing alright when we travel.
We haven’t tried traveling long term, but our short travels were just enough for me to see how he can take care of me.
Really, just small things that are pretty essential!
And this brings me to my next item:
You’ll See How ‘Gentleman’ He Is
Call me ‘old-fashioned’, but I always love a man who knows how to treat his girl right.. And traveling can do that.. He would often carry my bags for me, hold my hand when I need assistance…
I think this is more or less interrelated to my previous point. I guess I really don’t have to expound! 😀
You See How They Plan And Budget
One crucial factor in a marriage is the planning and budgeting. So if your significant other does not know how to do this, you better think about being together long term.
I know, I know.. Some may say that budgeting and/or planning can be done by just one party only.. Well… I don’t know about you but I love it when my partner knows his plans and his budget.
Between the two us, he used to handle the budget. LOL. That’s about to change though as I am slowly taking over after we got married.
Aside from the above listed, traveling together before getting married gives you a lot of memories to look back on.
Through the years of traveling, my husband and I have a lot of photos and videos we’ve compiled. It’s quite entertaining looking at them now and reflecting those experiences together.
I find it very entertaining to be reminded of certain travel memories over the most insignificant moments of our day to day activities. AND, we have seen each other change through traveling!
I am no psychologist, but there you go..
Marriage does not entirely mean ‘settling down’ at a certain place and try to build a home.. We don’t have plans to stop traveling at the moment. Especially right now that I have taken a liking to travel blogging. I feel like I’ve found my passion and am basically happy that’s he’s downright supportive and willing to be my constant ‘plus one’.
There’s definitely more to it than just putting that ‘#relationshipgoals’ on your captions for that FB/ IG photo you’re getting tons of likes on. 🙂
What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Oh, and let me share to you one of our year-end video shot and edited by my husband. This was our first ever video compilation after deciding we wanted to explore more and document all our travels… Hope you all like it!
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Very true, travelling is the best and quickest way to find out if it is a match
Thank you! 🙂
Such a sweet post. I traveled with many of my friends over the years and some became good friends after traveling, while with others the connection reduced.
I totally agree with your post.
Thank you, Sapna! 😉
I can’t agree more with you. When you travel with someone you find so much about them. I can even say that then they tend to show their “real” face. So if you wondering whether he/she is the one – just go on a one-week trip, and then you’ll find more about that person than after dating for months…
Exactly.. Even the shortest of trips can give you a glimpse of his/ her character.. 🙂
As they say, travel brings out the best and worst in you and your partner. Your post brings this out with examples.
I always travel with my spouse and I totally would not have it any other way! We are both able to make wonderful memories together while traveling!
I agree with this so much! Traveling makes you get to know someone so well!
Yep, I agree, traveling is a great way to figure out if you are really compatible. You get a glimpse of what it is like to really be with the person!
Aww this post is so sweet! Glad you found the one to spend a life and also travel with – very blessed indeed! 🙂
Aww.. Thank you, Kristine! 🙂
I completely agree. Traveling is stressful, and it allows you to see how your partner handles stress. Great article!
Thank you, Loretta! 🙂
It’s so crucial that you be able to travel well together. I’ve dragged my hubby all over the world and he loves it.
I so agree with your assessment! When my boyfriend and I started dating we took our first trip to Thailandfor two weeks. It was actually one of those experiences where I said to myself, “this is the test. This trip will determine if we are compatible.” Haha. Even though there were some rough moments, we had a great time and he was a trooper for his first international trip. Now, 5 years later, all he talks about is where we want to go next. So funny.
Hahaha.. That’s so cool! Thank you for sharing that! So lovely to be with someone who shares our love for travel! 🙂
Travel is definitely an efficient way to determine if you’re a good team. I traveled with my husband for years before we were married and we learned a lot about each other through this process. You see each other at your absolute limits and really learn how to communicate with one another.
Traveling can be such a great way to strengthen your relationship!
Travelling together is one more way to find if she/he is the one. Out of comfort zone of home people have to go that extra mile to make it happen. However I am not sure if this could be all inclusive aspect.
The other aspect would come when at home both go off to work and meet only in the evenings.
Interesting post…
Love this post, and I totally agree – I’ve always said that traveling together can either make or break a relationship (I’ve seen it do both) because you’re stripped down to the person you truly are at your core, and you see pretty quickly whether or not you’re compatible with the person you’re traveling with.
Congrats on finding your one! Not a cheesy post at all, I really loved it!
Awww.. Thank you, Megan! 🙂
This is such an awesome and enlightening post, Marvi! I really enjoyed reading it! 😉
Thank you, Agness… Glad you liked it! 🙂
Aww this was such a lovely read, and really made me feel good! You’re so right about travelling bringing out the good and the bad in people. As long as you’re still together by the end of it, and love each other, it’s definitely a good sign!
Love it! I was travelling with my then bf now husband pretty much from beginning but we also moved in together pretty quick. But I do love travelling with him, I would never wanna travel solo now. I love how I can rely on him, I know now what he’s like, we always look for compromise (like he loves beer so we always need to find a cool bar after long day of walking 😛 ) and in general I would recommend to everyone to travel together for sure!
I totally agree with you. Traveling together will reveal if you can live together forever or not. We are actually traveling long-term together and it’s like we are married already, but we aren’t (not a marriage person myself).
I didn’t need to travel with my husband to figure out he was the one. However, I absolutely agree that travelling together is a great way to create fabulous memories to look back on. For me also, I cherish the quality time we get to spend together instead of the stolen moments we often have when we are working
You are so right. Traveling brings out the best and worse in you and if the other guy can handle it, it means he is the one. I also, know that for couples who are diverse, it brings them closer. Glad you found your one!
Such an adorable post with some really insightful thoughts. My now husband and I went on our first holiday together just 5 weeks after getting together, and that love for exploring the world has bound us together for over 12 years. It’s not without its issues, but i know my guy is the one for me because he really copes with my quirks on the road!
Interesting post. We too believe and say that travel together to know if you both are right choice for each other or not. There are both good and bad times while traveling. If you can handle them well together; you are with the perfect one!!
It’s interesting how it works with a couple…and even friends…that you really get to know if you are travel compatible once you go somewhere together! If you like the same things, how you handle stressful situations, etc. I’m happy it’s worked out for you! 🙂
Yes… it is also the way to find out the opposite. I mostly travel solo. Whenever I am with someone, I generally figure out within 10-15 minutes if the journey is going to be painful or worthwhile.
Awwww… this is such a sweet post. Totally can relate too since traveling is a huge part of my relationship with my husband. After all, we met while traveling and have traveled even more now that we’re married! I definitely believe that traveling brings the best and worst in people and that it’s the best way to see if you are meant to be!
Love the video your husband made…what a lovely way to document all your sweet adventures together.
Thank you, Jolina! 🙂
I would have to say that all the points you made are so true. Travelling together gives you the opportunity to see the real person, because its like living together. No one can pretend to be someone else for that long 🙂
Travel is a great way to stress a relationship to see if it will work. I have ruined several relationships by traveling together. But I don’t think it was a bad thing. They weren’t right and travel made that really obvious.
I think Sheila and I have mastered this. Hahaha! One of the things about traveling that made us realize that we’re meant for each other is actually when things go south. Travel-related problems such as missed flights, unfollowed itineraries, traffic, etc. are very stressful; and at times, they really test our mettle and patience with each other. And we survived each time!
You couldn’t have written about this topic less. It’s so breathtaking how traveling cancan make you see people and the world differently. I’m beginning to think it’s necessary couple(s) to be travel together to discover the many sides of their partners.
I agree with all these points. Travel brings out the bad and good in you and if you can see that your guy can well handle that, you are set for each other. I also, find that continuous travel together helps you discover new facets of each other that allow you to grow together
This was such a good post! I remember like 1 month into our relationship my boyfriend was like oh since you love traveling we should travel together. And I was totally like HOLD YOUR HORSES. I don’t know if I could handle traveling with you. So we kinda eased into it, going from weekend trips to month long ones. Traveling together especially for extended periods of time definitely helps you get to know each other better!