Everyone (or rather those who have one or several) should travel with siblings, at least once or twice a year.
Well, simply because siblings are family. They are like an extension of yourself and knows you inside and out. Spending time with them in a different set-up is healthy.
I won’t go all sentimental here, so don’t worry! hahaha. But as I was looking for a great topic to write, I’ve decided to write another more personal piece. Reviews, itineraries, tips and galleries will have to wait for another day. LOL.
When I was younger, I always thought that having a lot of siblings is bad. You don’t get to choose first (it’s always a race you know. LOL), you don’t always have an option and peaceful moment at home is seldom.
There’s always an argument (over super petty stuff) and constant shouting (I know. We’re super loud! Haha).
But as we grew older and matured, I realized that having them is great! There is always something new to talk about. I always have someone to talk to, someone to tease and make fun of (I guess I am the annoying sister then? hahaha), share stories with and all that.
It got to the point that we bonded over traveling. We explored places we’ve never been and tried out new experiences together. I actually learned to swim and had the chance to trek Mt. Pulag with them. Cool, huh?
For some, traveling with siblings may not be as inviting as to others. If that is so, then traveling with them will be a great way to get to know your siblings more. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you’ll be instant best friends. It’s downright impossible. Relationships do need extra effort but establishing a healthy relationship with your siblings is definitely worth a try!
That being said, I have listed down several Reasons Why It’s Cool to Travel With Siblings below. If you haven’t tried it before, then maybe this list will make you want to. Or if you have, then you can just go ahead and read it. Maybe this will remind you how great it still is!
Table of Contents
Reasons Why I Loved Traveling with My Siblings
Allows Family Quality Time
I remember back then, my siblings and I don’t really get along that well. We argue and we fight. But, when we started spending a lot of quality time together, it changed. There is a certain positive vibe when you spend a day or two with them.
I mean, you’ll be spending the entire trip with them, so that’s basically a great time to get to know them more and for you to share a piece of yourself too!
Creates Lasting Relationships
Well, as we all know, shared experiences are a great way to build lasting relationships. And traveling together gives the same magic, if not more!
Bonding over dinner under a blanket of stars and maybe getting lost in a new place or doing a long road trip, does have a certain effect on creating good and healthy relationships. This alone is as good a reason to travel with your siblings.
You Don’t Have to Worry About Planning (Much)
This reason is definitely one of my favorite! LOL. As a middle child who travel with my older sisters, planning is always done by them. Haha. And that is because they are more older. I think its a normal thing for siblings, right? The older you are the more In-Charge you become! (Or is it just in our case?).
Nevertheless, traveling with your siblings divide the load of planning for the entire trip. Usually, in our case, when we plan on out-of town trips, my sister and her husband does the planning. We can give out suggestions from time to time but my sister usually has the last say. This is alright for me as I tend to be more agreeable. 😉
You Become More Responsible
Of course, when you travel it is necessary to be responsible at all times. However, when you’re with family, you’d be more responsible in terms of ensuring everyone is safe, has eaten well and all that. You’d get that sense of responsibility to go home safe and sound.
It doesn’t matter if you’re the eldest, the youngest or the middle child. You’ll be with family so of course, you’ll be looking out for each other.
Budget is Clear
Because traveling on a budget is necessary, we always make sure that everything is planned out including the expenses that will be incurred. From the expected fare, to the accommodation, travel agency fees (if any) and right down to the food expenses.
And because you’re with the people whom you’ve grown up with, expenses and how it is divided is clearly laid out.
I remember going to Coron and my sister had already researched on the place where we can eat with an approximate budget on the money we will be spending. Neat huh?
Well, one cool reason why you should travel with your siblings is because you’d have someone that you can depend on no matter what.
If perhaps you lost some item or maybe forget to bring sunscreen, need a shirt, or maybe fall short on your budget then having your siblings around will make it easier for you. They’re the group of people whom you can turn to at times like this.
Packing is a lot easier too, especially if you have some gear to pack (camping gear and snorkeling). You can easily divide the load and just share when you’re on the trip.
Your Parents Won’t Have to Worry Much
Since your parents know that you’re traveling with your siblings, then they wouldn’t have to worry about your safety and well-being. They trust that you and your siblings will be in good hands as long as you’re with family. I remember when I got pregnant and still decided to travel. My sister saw to it that I was pretty comfortable and have everything that I needed.
You won’t have to worry about explaining and reassuring them that you’ll be fine. Well, of course, parents ARE parents. So we can’t blame them if they worry. I mean, I would too if it were my kids. But knowing that they’re with responsible people, it lessens the anxiety.
To Wrap it Up
Nowadays, I enjoy traveling with siblings as much as I enjoy traveling with my husband or my friends. It’s like taking a break from being an adult and reverting back to your childhood with a sibling or two to argue with, snap a picture or two and generally just have fun!
Fun Fact: Did you know that OSMIVA is actually our initial? Yup! You read it right. Six (6) letters, six sisters! Imagine having to live with 6 sisters.. It’s crazy! But fun! 😉
I guess we do have our reasons as to why we love or maybe hate traveling with siblings. I hope mine convinced you to try it. And if you’re an only child, then good for you too! Maybe you can try traveling with parents or some family members – cousins maybe that you consider as your extended siblings.
What do you think? Share it on the comments below!
Oh, and by the way… Shout out to all the cool siblings out there!
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I loved this! It’s crazy that as you get older, the relationships mean so much more than when you’re younger. I definitely need to go away (or spend more time) with my siblings after reading this.
Thank you, Char! It really is crazy! hahah. I guess when we mature, we get to love them more! 😉
It is true that you have a bond with your siblings like none other. I would love to be able to travel with my brother. It would be lots of fun!
I’m pretty sure it would be! 😉
You’re lucky to have lots of siblings to travel with, I only have one brother and we’ve only done about three trips together. Luckily, our spouses get on with each other too so that makes it more interesting.
Thank you Roxanne 🙂 It does have a lot of perks to have lots of siblings. Great to hear that your spouses also enjoys each other company. We also do that with my older sister and her husband. It’s really a great chance to spend time 🙂
That sounds like so much fun! Thanks for that interesting article!!!
You’re welcome 🙂 I’m glad you liked it! 😉
Such a lovely read, it’s so wonderful that you appreciate and enjoy travelling with your siblings! My sister passed away a few years back and I often wonder how amazing it might have been if we travelled together – this great post gave me some insight into that! Now I absolutely love travelling with my husband and the joys thereof are much the same as what you’ve listed here 🙂
Oohh.. I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure it would’ve been lovely if you had the opportunity to travel together 🙂 My husband is also my constant travel buddy at the moment and indeed I enjoy traveling with him!
I agree with you there, it is also a good way to strengthen your bond. After all, your siblings are your closest friends. I haven’t traveled with my sibs in a while. I think it’s time that we do something together again.
I couldn’t agree more! 🙂
Such a fun fact that OSMIVA is the initials of you and your sisters! I haven’t ever been on an adult vacation with my sibling, but perhaps it’s time I did! Great advice – will take note 🙂
Thank you!:)
Definitely makes me want to travel with my sister! We went to Belize for a week together a while ago and had an amazing time, and this brings back all the memories. Love the photos of you with your sissies!
That sounds amazing! I’m sure it was a very memorable trip too! Thank you.. 😉
I really can’t think of travelling with my brother, he is totally different type of Traveler compared to me, which surely brings lot of disagreement whenever we plan to travel somewhere. But I have always enjoyed traveling with my father, he was the one who gave me itchy feet to travel the world 🙂
Travelling with family can be both fun and stressful. I haven’t had the chance to do it much with mine, but when we have its been quite fun and rewarding. Sharing those experiences with loved ones is what it’s all about.
Well, there are indeed some stressful moments but most of the time they’re pretty seldom 🙂 Great to hear that you also enjoyed it Dominic! 🙂
You’re very lucky that you get along with your siblings! I have 9 siblings (yep, we’re 10 in total. Haha…), and occasionally I travel with 1 or 2 of them. It’s important to travel with people who have the same travelling style, or the same rythmn, may it be family or friends. 🙂
Woah! That’s a lot. hahaha. Well, we do get along especially when it comes to traveling. We have the same interests tbh, which is a good thing. 🙂
I’m an only child, but this is lovely! 🙂
I totally agree that traveling with siblings can be a great way to bond better with them and also spend some quality time together. However, as you said, it might not work out for some. But I feel that is more of an exception than norm
I’ve never been on a trip with my siblings as an adult but you make it sound like a good idea. I suppose I’ve never thought of it. I think we’d still like to bring our spouses along and stuff but it might be fun.